Important Instructions for students while applying for admission and paying fees online.
Only Active Email ID and Active / valid mobile numbers to be used for registration and at the time for form submission. (If do not have your personal mobile and your family has mobile common mobile, keep this mobile with you during form submission).
Your Active mobile number and valid email ID will be used by college authority for sending instructions for online video lecture and online attendance.
Invalid mobile number and email address may lead to mark your absence in online college activity and students will be solely responsible for such misleading information.
To verify mobile number OTP will be send on mobile and to verify email ID link will be sent on email Id which you have to click on the link.
Student login will be activated and student will receive confirmation on his Email or on his mobile number through SMS.
The verification OTP is valid for 5 minutes only and will be expires automatically. If you miss OTP on mobile number due to range issue or due to any other issue, please check your email ID.
Use Forget ID link or Forget Password in Student login menu to know your credential.
If you are already registered and changed your previous mobile number, you have to visit to college administrative office to change your registered mobile number.
Special symbols such as (#, !, $, &, , .,) are not allowed in password.
Once the students get registered, he/she can apply for new admission.
One student can submit only one admission form for selected class/faculty. Multiple forms submitted by the student for same class using same faculty will lead to rejection of your admission form.
Keep scan copy of your document, signature and photograph ready before applying. The scan file should not be more that 500 KB size. Each document is to be kept in separate file. Only *.JPEG, *.JPG, *.PNG files to be used for document uploading.
Upon submitting your admission form and duly uploading scan copy of documents; your admission form will be further processed by admission committee using “ONLINE APPROVAL” system.
Student will get notification on email ID and on SMS, if his /her form gets rejected. Student must take a note of a reason for rejection of admission form on is SMS or Email ID.
If the form gets approved/accepted by admission committee, student will get SMS and notification on his mail within 3 days from submission of his admission form. If student doesn’t get any notification on mail or on Email ID , he/she has to contact college or refer the notice board on this website.
If the form is approved student have to pay the fee amount specified in SMS or in Email on or before the last date specified in SMS or Email.
To pay the fee amount student have to login and select pay fee menu/button.
After successful attempt of payment student will get E-challan from bank on his email ID. Select correct option while paying your fee like credit card or debit card or net banking or UPI etc.
Student has to collect his final admission receipt from college physically or college may send this receipt on your email ID. This receipt will carry roll number, division information along with total admission fee amount, class, cast category, fee category like information and all details about your pending fee.
Student must select correct subject before submitting the form for further processing.